Minggu, 09 September 2012

moved on

ever feel so week and low, but barely a reason? searching youtube for that one song that just might make you more depressed, or just understand your mood. ever make yourself sick, sick of yourself and everything/everyone around you. and honestly, it's a scary feeling knowing your everything means absolute nothing. when his voice was your soundtrack then it's a blank record. you pray and hope that one day he realizes that he missed you, you act like you wanna don't talk to him but deep down you're dying to just hug him and hold him as yours again. that moment when you're fighting you're mind, the feeling of you know the truth but you feel the pain. the pain being the fact you just wanna forget it all and kiss the lips of an angel. how can the one person can tell me I'm there everything treat me like I'm their nothing. yeah, we have amazing times I'll never regret or forget, but when you hurt me that's something no girl will ever forget or forgive. will I tell you all this? no because I'm scared to tell you I miss you, I'm scared you'll hurt me again. so for now, i wear I smile but deep down I know the only smile I want is the one you give to me. what happened to what we had? our forever and always talk, that feeling we got after we kissed and just smiled at each other, pinky promises I believed, our I love you more fights were I let you when just to here you say those words, and lastly those day where you just held me close to you, the only place I felt safe.
You may haved move on, doesn't mean I have too.

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