Minggu, 24 April 2011

Senyum dan Semangat ☺

Sempat merasa sedih
Karena sering di-bully
Pernah jadinya malu
Karena dicibir mulu

Bukannya ku tak mengelak
Kata-kata yang kasar
Bukannya ku tak peduli
Semua caci dan maki

Senyuman ku tak akan
Pernah luntur lagi
Singing all day long
Semangat ku tak akan
Pernah patah lagi
Dancing all night long
Dancing all night long

Tak ada lagi keki
Ada kamu di hati
Hidup cuma sekali
Marilah kita happy

Awalnya ku tak menganggap
Kata tersenyum darimu
Akhirnya ku bahagia
Menari kita bersama

Senyuman ku tak akan
Pernah luntur lagi
Singing all day long
(Singing all day long)
Semangat ku tak akan
Pernah patah lagi

Dancing all night long
Dancing all night long
Dancing all night long
Dancing all night long
Dancing all night long

Tak peduli ku di-bully
Omongan lu gue beli
Cacian lu gue cuci
Dengan senyuman prestasi

Tak pernah ku malu
Karena cibiranmu
Ku jadikan motivasi untuk maju
No more mellow say no to galau
No more to say no to hear

Let’s dance together all night long
Let’s dance together all night long
Let’s dance together all night long
Let’s dance together all night long

Senyuman ku tak akan
Pernah luntur lagi
Singing all day long
(Singing all day long)
Semangat ku tak akan
Pernah patah lagi
Dancing all night long

Senyuman ku tak akan
Pernah luntur lagi
Singing all day long
Semangat ku tak akan
Pernah patah lagi
Cause you blast me up

Jumat, 22 April 2011

Deg-Degan !

kau lewat di depan kelasku
mata ini tertuju kepada dirimu

dan ternyata matamu tertuju padaku
aku malu, bingung, salting, oh Tuhan
jantungku berdetak, berdetak dengan kencang
*courtesy of LirikLaguIndonesia.net
senyumanmu buat aku deg-degan
tatapanmu buat ku jadi deg-degan

wooo wooo aku bingung

dan ternyata matamu tertuju padaku
aku malu, bingung, salting, oh Tuhan

jantungku berdetak, berdetak dengan kencang

senyumanmu buat aku deg-degan
tatapanmu buat ku jadi deg-degan
wooo wooo bingung salting

senyumanmu buat aku deg-degan
tatapanmu bikin aku deg-degan
senyumanmu buat aku deg-degan
tatapanmu buat ku jadi deg-degan
wooo wooo wooo wooo bingung salting

Selasa, 12 April 2011

Justin Bieber speak INDONESIAN ... cuma dikit sih-_-

Justin Bieber to speak Indonesian he still look stiff by saying the words "THANK YOU" but LOL this so very funny ~.~

Senin, 11 April 2011

tanda-tanda falling in Love

1. Kamu melihat ada sesuatu yang berbeda dalam diri dia yang menarik untuk ditelusuri
2. Merasa ada sesuatu yang menggelitik dari dalam diri kita
3. Suka senyum-senyum atau ketawa-ketawa sendiri nggak jelas
4. Suka curi-curi pandang ke arah target
5. Kalo dia lagi ngeliat ke arah kita, jantung rasanya kayak mau copot
6. Salah tingkah di depan dia
7. Nggak sadar suka mempermalukan diri sendiri
8. Berkeliaran di dekat dia terusss
9. Suka ngelamun
10. Mengkhayal yang indah-indah tentang kamu dan dia
11. Nggak nafsu makan
12. Mendadak jadi insomnia alias susah tidur
13. Isi diarymu seputar dia, dia, dia, diaaaaa terusss
14. Sering dengerin lagu mellow yang liriknya about love melulu
15. Jadi care sama penampilan dan berusaha tampil keren terus di depan dia
Seneng banget ngira-ngira lewat ramalan bintang
17. Bentar-bentar ngaca
18. Nyari tahu segalanya tentang dia, termasuk no telpon neneknya
19. Deketin sobatnya, buka akses langsung ke dia
20. Diam-2 motret dia pake HP terus kamu jadiin wallpaper
21. Hobi nulis-2 namanya di setiap lahan kosong yang bisa kamu coretin
Pelototin foto dia terusss
23. Jadi ja’im berat kalo di deket dia
24. Badan semerbak mewangi sana sini tralala trilili
25. Kalo dia negur, rasanya kayak kesetrum
26. Bela-belain bangun pagi buat bikin bekal untuk dikasih ke dia
27. Nyimpenin sms dari dia
28. Setia nunggu dia nelpon meskipun dia nggak janji mau nelpon
29. Sok jual mahal kalo dideketin, tapi kalo dia nggak ada kelabakan sendiri
30. Meng-iya kan apapun maunya dia, biarpun kamunya nggak suka
31. Bilangnya Cuma nganggep temen, padahal mau kesengsem berat
32. Pusing mikirin cara gimana ngajak dia nonton setelah sengaja beli tiket dua
33. Rela nyisihin uang jajan untuk beli hadiah ulang tahun dia
34. Nyari kartu valentine paling romantis buat dia
35. Selalu memuji segala hal tentang dia
36. Beli buku-buku psikologi tentang cinta dan dipraktekin satu-satu
Satu senyuman dari dia bikin kamu mengira-ngira seribu maknanya
38. Rajin sms-in kabar dia
39. Pura-pura minjem buku padahal kita nggak perlu buku itu
40. Minjemin CD terbaru supaya kamu ada alasan buat ke rumah dia ngambil CD
41. Pas ketemu mata sama dia, muka serasa jadi kayak kepiting rebus
42. Mati-matian nyari topik supaya obrolanmu nggak bisa basi kalo lagi sama dia
43. Mencatat semua tanggal ketemuan, isi obrolan, dan resume-nya di diary
44. Menyukai hal-hal yang dia sukai
45. Jadi teman yang baik dan penuh perhatian saat dia lagi punya masalah
46. Nggak mempedulikan apapun kekurangan dia
47. Nggak bisa ngelupain dia sekalipun dia udah ngecewain berat
48. Bener-bener sedih kalo dia lagi nggak ada
49. Jadi anak paling rajin yang pernah dia temui
50. Saat baca artikel ini, kamu jadi teringat pada seseorang. Pertanda kamu bener-bener lagi jatuh cinta!!!

all about BRUNO!!!

It's better if you don't understand; just listen and have a good time. That's the response Bruno Mars will give you with a smile when asked to describe his sound and music. He would much rather sing, perform, and write his songs than talk about them, but that is becoming more and more unavoidable these days. It might seem that Mars appeared out of nowhere, co-writing, producing and performing on B.o.B's #1 "Nothin' On You" followed by Travie McCoy's chart-climbing "Billionaire", but he makes one thing clear: "It's not an overnight success".

Mars is a multitalented singer, songwriter, producer and musician who feels most at home when he's performing. Born to a musical family in Honolulu, Hawaii, he was practically raised on the stage. His father, a Latin percussionist from Brooklyn, organized a Vegas-style revue that featured the entire family, including his mother, a talented vocalist. When a four-year-old Mars observed his family performing Motown hits, doo-wop medleys and impersonations for enthusiastic crowds all over his native Waikiki Beach, "I was jealous!" says Mars with a laugh. "My dad put me on stage and I remember singing an Elvis song and that was it. Ever since that moment, I've been addicted."

Rich in diverse music from all over the globe, Honolulu was an exciting hometown for the budding singer/songwriter. On one end of the spectrum, his home was filled with the 1950s classics that were his father's passion. Meanwhile, the city is rich in traditional sounds, including reggae, rock and folk music, as well as the latest pop hits. "Hawaii is basically in the middle of the world, so you're exposed to every type of music over there," explains Mars.

As soon as he graduated high school, Mars left Hawaii for Los Angeles with dreams of launching his career as a performer. Those dreams got put on hold, however, when The Smeezingtons, the songwriting/production team he founded with Philip Lawrence and Ari Levine, suddenly took off. The pair has crafted major hits for a diverse roster of talent, including Flo Rida's "Right Round", Travie McCoy's "Billionaire", Brandy's "Long Distance" and K'Naan's "Waving Flags", which is the theme song for the upcoming World Cup.

Mars describes his time behind the scenes as important to his development as an artist. "I realized that you have to go into this industry as an artist with a clear vision and understanding of who you are. Being so young when I was first signed, I never really had a sense of who I wanted to be. Now things are really working out because everything that I'm singing, writing and composing is really me."

On the heels of "Nothin' on You" and "Billionaire" and as a preview of what's to come from Bruno Mars, Elektra Records is releasing a 4-song EP aptly titled "It's Better If You Don't Understand". The title is taken from a lyric to "The Other Side"; one of the songs included that features Cee-Lo Green and re-teams Mars with B.o.B. The song depicts the musician's current routine. "It's basically a story of the lifestyle you end up living as an artist and how I would describe it to a girl I just met to try and explain, but in the end… It's better if you don't understand."

When asked to describe the music he's about to release Mars says "it's hard to put myself in a box. I just write songs that I strongly believe in and that are coming from inside. There's no tricks. It's honesty with big melodies. And I'm going to be singing the s— out of them." The collection of songs on the EP are written from various real-life experiences, where Mars blends his buoyant voice with purposefully simple production. All of the songs are produced and written with his Smeezingtons partner Philip Lawrence.

Although he's incredibly proud of the recordings, Mars feels the best way to experience the sound is to see him perform live with his band. "That is what I'm most excited for – taking these songs and traveling them around the world." The only place he would rather be than in the recording studio, is with his band on stage – where he grew up. "I think people are really going to gravitate towards the live show. We turn it into a party."